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The inward reposition of the US will allow the acceleration of China's domination of Asia.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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As China comes on the world stage, mutual respect with the West is needed as only coexistence is possible for peace. To counterweight China, the West has to come together. The developing trade war is the signal of a potential civilizational clash.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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America and China are fighting like children, except that they are not children.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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If China's authoritarian system has the bad emperor problem, American democracy has the demagogue problem.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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Technology is too important to be left to Silicon Valley - government and society must be included.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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The US has failed race and poverty.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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American culture favors the individual over the community and leads to more ephemeral relationships.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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Which is more beneficial but potentially more dangerous: control of technology as in China or the American open architecture?

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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Mistrust in the US is between people of different ideological beliefs. Whereas in autocratic regimes, it's between the government & the people.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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Let's hope America can uphold its ethos of freedom, inclusiveness & opportunity.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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America and democracy always had a free pass, but both are in danger now.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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Europe is about quality of life, America about changing life and China about changing lives.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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Our democracies need to make it attractive for the best minds to serve in government.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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Political parties in the West are outdated as both Left & Right now lack a comprehensive & contemporary narrative.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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New York- the infinite city.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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Growing up in Europe and up until the millennium there was a model for most: America. The globe was opening up and with it a sense of endless optimism. Today new technologies, globalization and multiculturalism are all being challenged. The world expanded - now it is shrinking. Earth was becoming one - now it’s splintering. From opportunities to limits. It is a if we had reached the limits of the possible, from freedom to consumption. Now a conservative reaction. Exploration returns to a personal journey rather than a global one.

2020-12-12 11:30 am
December 12, 2020
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The US would lose a conventional war in Asia - its potential superiority is in cyberspace, at least for now.

2021-03-26 2:54 am
March 26, 2021
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America’s more recent foreign interventions, such as Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, became ineffective and extraordinarily costly in every way, as opposed to WWII where the US’s helping hand was limited in time and scope. Attempting to change a culture or overstaying one’s welcome may be the culprits.

2022-03-23 10:58 am
March 23, 2022
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Immigrants tend to be the most dynamic and entrepreneurial. The United States has people coming to its shores coupled with constant movement within. America is a country of immigrants as well as migrants at home, making most everyone immigrants.

2022-03-25 3:10 am
March 25, 2022
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Diversity of opinions is celebrated in America yet it is toxically dividing the country. At the risk of conformism, societies function best with a common narrative.

2022-05-31 1:20 pm
May 31, 2022
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The Second Amendment - the right to bear arms - in the US Constitution should be updated and restricted to only true defense weapons, including digital ones.

2022-05-31 1:21 pm
May 31, 2022
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Today’s schizophrenic America will ultimately resolve on the left or the right. When threatened, cultures generally revert to a defensive traditional and conservative stance.

2022-05-31 1:21 pm
May 31, 2022
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America and democracy always had a free pass, yet both are in danger now.

2022-06-27 2:38 am
June 27, 2022
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In America, we need a new political movement that doesn't exist yet.

2022-06-27 10:35 am
June 27, 2022
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In the US today it seems that all actions and endeavors are instantly viewed from a negative angle no matter how overwhelmingly beneficial.

We have departed from the assumption that intentions are good, replacing an optimistic lens with a doubting one. Positive majoritarian positions are hijacked by minority agendas - the ultimate triumph of individual agency over the common good. Tyranny of the minority.

The sore loser wins instead of the cheering crowd. American society has lost its ability to take everyone on the journey to success, even though it could. Hope and optimism attacked.

2022-07-30 5:17 am
July 30, 2022
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When looking at the history of wars and conquests, few isolated defensive missions have succeeded as opposed to offensive, permanent endeavors.

2022-07-30 5:06 am
July 30, 2022
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Business in America: risk on. 

Europe: risk off.     

Not taking chances is the riskier position.

2022-10-15 8:26 am
October 15, 2022
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Major civilizations like China, India, Russia, Iran, and Turkey are reverting to their cultural origins. Similarly, as America becomes more introspective, it faces a pivotal question: Will it prioritize individual empowerment or embrace a shared vision of its destiny?
What does the USA stand for?

2023-10-03 11:38 am
October 3, 2023
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In 1979, there was one place to be: America. I was 17 and, having spent my childhood in Paris, Switzerland, and London, I knew my next destination had to be New York City. Notwithstanding economic troubles, crime, and other challenges, New York City was the capital of the world. Decades later, I now live in Los Angeles. Why? While New York remains a global cultural and financial metropolis, it seems to have lost the vibrancy and creative energy it once had. This energy found a natural habitat in California. How will New York revive invention, daring, and freedom?

2023-10-03 11:59 am
October 3, 2023
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The aspiration of the Founding Fathers was a fair and just society, but let’s not forget that America’s main attraction remains the chance for individual success - even at the expense of others or the community. People like the American lottery ticket, and the country continues to navigate a tug of war.

2024-11-12 5:35 am
November 12, 2024
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Trump and Obama both represent America - equally valid, even if opposite spirit vessels. Parallel truths.

2024-11-26 11:56 am
November 26, 2024
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Trump embodies America’s Nietzschean moment.

2024-11-26 11:58 am
November 26, 2024
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America is all about the individual - above community.
On the left: extreme protection of the individual.
On the right: no protection of the individual.

2025-02-04 8:02 am
February 4, 2025
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Trump represents a country that has culturally moved on. If the democrats want to be an alternative again (which is healthy for democracy) they need to find a voice and a message that lives on the new wavelength that America is living on.

2025-02-07 4:34 am
February 7, 2025
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