From harmony, life leads to chaos. Artists try to find harmony again.
Children, art and music will take your attention beyond self interest - in essence, love. But only children are more important than yourself permanently.
There is no new bad art. There is only new art that creates new culture.
Art and artists are never satisfied.
While we may condemn evil we are fascinated by it - that’s why we often mix with devils as opposed to angels. Perversely, we live our deviant selves through them. Artists express their darkness with art, and we through their eyes.
More significant than political or economic questions are Gauguin’s: Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?
While there may not be a master design, there needs to be a canvas to paint on, the possibility of the painting. Life starts with the first brush strokes, the paint is energy and the painter the manifestation of the life force.
Picasso reminds us that beauty can come out of destruction.
Art only will rise above beliefs.
Companies that change behavior are often founded by people who are more akin to artists or mad scientists. They often get kicked out of their own creations : Steve Jobs, Travis Kalanik, Adam Neumann, Elon Musk...
Art indoors is in a box. When outside, art lives with the earth's revolution around the sun and nature.
The perceived least useful occupations will become the most valuable: thinkers and creators.
Heizer City: as opposed to artwork indoors in a box, an installation on the scale of Heizer City or a pyramid is alive, receiving energy from nature, light and the traveling of earth against the sun.
Matisse's color palette takes us to different facets of heaven.
Sistine Chapel ceiling and Tiepolo paintings are early attempts at virtual reality.
Artists and scientists (scientists are artists), create in their minds - instinctively - almost from nowhere or everywhere. Just like love is unquantifiable.
Art has always been physical, symbolic, and about permanence - part of stories that create culture. Can art exist that is impermanent, forever changing, and with an unknowable destination?
Art connects conscious and unconscious; objective and subjective.
Museums and concerts are gaining popularity reflecting our desire for life and community. In the digital age we want to experience happenings with others.
Art is always political, but great art and music transcend...look at Matisse, at Mozart.
Art is like religion and ideologies, beyond the strictly useful and tangible, helping us making sense of life.
Picasso's periods paint the many faces of the human condition.
Cultural monuments are transformative in making a community proud: a church, a temple, a museum - Bilbao Guggenheim, the Forbidden City, the Eiffel Tower.
Artists are there to critique the present.
A good life : passion, human relationships, and the pursuit of science (knowledge) and art (beauty).
Art outdoors speaks to the universe.
The romantic view of art is that it leads us towards experiencing the infinite.
Humanity is about values and culture- are we teaching ethics and the arts ?
Science and humanities need to be one to build a healthy future.
Art is essential, entertainment superfluous.
Ideas, knowledge, art and what we build has made humans a civilization - we care to learn and transmit from generation to generation.
Creativity is increasingly commoditized.
Photography or video are technologies that reflect a reality expressed through the lens of their creator. What makes them art is the point of view of the one taking images.
Art and religion have the same origin, manifested in narratives. Both are emotional acts of imagination. Which arose first? Consciousness before! Human consciousness engenders religious feelings and artistic needs.
Great architecture has beauty and spirit. It becomes the immanent soul of communities.
At a time when voices are being silenced around the world by some of the larger countries wanting to restore local power and cultural purity, artistic expression is more than ever necessary as a medium of communication and life.
Unfortunately, the reality is that stakeholders in Western nations have also become intolerant of dissenting voices, censoring independent opinions.
Even though art often strives towards an ideal, it is an exploration, the vessel or a path to help us discover and believe an implication, as opposed to an end in itself. Being man made, it is imperfect while pointing to the ideal.
Works of art freeze existence in a single representation, pausing life for us to experience. That is the point of a painting, a photograph, a monument. And so for writings, movies, or a work of music, which even though experienced in time sequences, are also singular manifestations of being. They all engage us to stop and focus our attention on a unique exposure, opening awareness.
Art - painting, sculpture and other forms - reflects timeless beauty and the existential in the human. As AI’s progress, they too will develop art as expressions of imagination, reaching for perfection, or exposing profound questions and potential answers.
The digital rivals its “authentic” origins, in art, in people, in all.
Art stops time. Timeless.
Art transcends Time
Art has two roles: a representation of culture and beauty on one hand, and a statement or a provocation on the other. All art is political and relates to our humanity.
All is a work of art, including science.