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Humans as analog creatures advance sequentially, just like walking, one step in front of the other. Jumps, leaps - those are about crossing into new territories, but few of us can vault ourselves through life.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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A door opens with one key - simple and effortless. Find or craft the key.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life happens as you open doors, the doors in front of you as you advance on the journey of life.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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The metamorphosis of the butterfly embodies a full transmutation, a complete renewal, an ode to life together with the non-attachment to old forms. It symbolizes an existence which starts with survival needs, mutating to the grace and lightness of the butterfly. It’s a journey from heaviness to freedom. One of living reincarnation. Becoming as a process of liberation. The butterfly incarnates natural ease, unforced and unlike the meditation effort of those seeking Nirvana in stillness. Life isn’t silent. From being condemned to live to finding freedom in living and dying. The story of the butterfly may also illustrate that you were alive before this life and will be afterwards, through your ancestors, human or not, and your progeny, human and beyond. You are the sum of all life before you and you will live on through life in general.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Live with uncertainty and imperfection while following your most important instincts and ideas, without forcing them on yourself.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Live Life
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Your interactions with others will shape much of your life, your path and your daily experiences. It is normal to be expecting of others but keep your emotional dependency light, be forgiving of them and you, as it will liberate and allow you to glide, and fly ahead. Accept others for who they are, not as you would like them to be, otherwise you will be heavy with emotions and burdened with disappointment and resentments, leading to complexes and making you feel inadequate. Let others be, let go: if they come your way, wonderful, if they don’t, so be it. Enjoy people and their actions for what they are.  Don’t try to own them. Just like you enjoy the experience of things you don’t control or possess. Conversely, don’t perform for others - they may not care as much as you think: they live their lives, not yours. Learn who really matters in your life. Know that you can be a spectator, not a participant. Play a role when you have one to fulfill or want to. Only at rare junctures is your behavior or someone’s truly meaningful. Similarly, compromise only on the most precious of issues and not on small ones. Realistically, this learning is with time, as you have to test yourself and others, push boundaries and assert yourself, acting for the sake of it. After finding and marking your space. It’s part of becoming. With time and achievements, becoming will be about giving space, including to yourself, acting when important and enjoying the spectacle around you.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Me vs Others
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We have to thrive for more - for the joy to advance and live life fully, all while knowing that letting go is the hardest but most courageous act of maturity.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
Will to Live, Energy
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The void is always the most valuable - the one you are filling by living. Life is free space, available and open. If there were no empty space there would be nowhere to go.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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The conscious life is a (life of) becoming.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life is a becoming, a promise, even death is. Life is the change, the evolution, the fulfillment and experience of our existence. Containing all its possibilities, until the end.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
Life, Death
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Up to birth, life and existence were given to chance - once you are born and choose life, you will live life as yours and even if free will is an illusion, your actions and non-actions can be claimed as yours. How do you want to live - will you take responsibility for your actions? Will you think about them or will you just experience them?

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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Human life is to be and become. Awareness.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Our illusion is that there is progress. There is change, difference, but that’s not necessarily advancement. The path one walks, the doors opened, are not inevitably forward or up. Often we are just moving. Collectively, human quality of life has evolved, but our experience nonetheless is always personal.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Does everything imagined become, as if envisaging makes all possible somewhere? Who are the dreamers - just humans?

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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First there will be joy in acting out and conquering your space, then with time happiness comes when you allow yourself to watch, let others be and for you to play your role.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Often by thinking something you are making it happen, even if it is just you having prompted yourself to act: you are entering a room after opening the door - but in your mind you had already crossed into a new space.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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At the beginning there is just a promise, the potential of life. Life is engendered by its possibility.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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Ask yourself: Are you alive? Whose life are you living? When?

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Once born, you are condemned to live. When thrown into the water you swim. Or drown. You are alive. You are living your life, this life.The (only) life that is yours. The (only) life you know you are living. It is now that you are living.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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When you are born you can only go forward, not backwards, as that wouldn’t be living. Life is always about living and going forward.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
Live Life
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You become freer and lighter when you open up and let in. Health and strength come with. Let it be.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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The embodiment of the independent, free, life-at-its-maximum, Ubermensch is seductive but hard to embody and sustain. The opposite - a connected, interdependent, communitarian human rings truer and feels more nurturing and, ultimately, empowering.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Self Realization
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Before life itself there is the chance of life, a state pregnant with life. Life’s essence as opposed to its existence. The undealt deck of cards. The theater stage.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Becoming is the fulfillment of life and its potential.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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As our species evolves, so will human consciousness. It will be augmented by AI and biogenetic inputs. This will allow us to connect deeper with the universe and build a higher consciousness. Is our journey of Becoming to be one with the universe, melding into one consciousness (a la Carl Jung/Buddhist oneness/Dao/Braham/God for Christians) ?

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Artificial Intelligence, Evolution, Consciousness
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Becoming is walking its path.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life evolves as a series of acts, of chapters. Becoming is to renew yourself, discover new horizons.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Becoming is about understanding and redefining yourself and the world, again and again.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life is change, a becoming to be embraced. Change and life as a becoming will have you always wanting more. Recognizing these principles of existence and living will help you assume your life and live deeper. They also reflect the promises, the possibilities of living.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life is always about the future. It is about becoming while living with the past.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life is the experience of living.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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How do we sustain self-motivation knowing that we have limited control over our destiny? Although all roads lead to the same place, choose the road of life, of love. Our lives allow us to make choices and change direction - that is Becoming.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Imagine you are able to use several keys to unlock multiple life doors all at once, allowing a quantum life, a quantum becoming? Your life becomes broader and deeper. What else can our life be? Would you have several lives simultaneously?

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
Will to Live
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Nirvana, as in giving up most emotions, couldn’t be the goal of life. On the contrary, the experience of all sensations might be.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Human life is to be, understand and become.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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You were born as yourself. You had to become for others. Now find yourself to be you again.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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At birth when separated from the womb, life energy is released. The Big Bang, at the level of the individual.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life is the journey of life.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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One can only control so much of life. Learning from Taoism, all is in constant flux, and by accepting change one will live happier versus the Cartesian and Galilean desire for certainty in everything. On the other hand, fighting for beliefs and science gives meaning to life and advances humanity.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Becoming is the realization of life by living.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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The lives of all agents help the evolutionary process. If all organisms are engineered to survive, then every life is a contribution to the species’, including humans and ultimately, AIs.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Artificial Intelligence, Evolution
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Life is a becoming - where have you walked? Where would you like to go?

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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As long as there’s life, life is full. On as opposed to off. Life can only be on. Even when off there is potential for on. Off is a state of waiting, to be or having been.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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Live eyes wide open in a way that you would want to live your life again and again.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Birth is life manifested, created from an act of love. Life, like the universe, becomes with birth, in being, and by going forward.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
Life, Love
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Becoming is just life. The way you live your life is your becoming.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Live Life
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To advance you must trust yourself, have faith in the world, and trust fellow humans. You need some innocence, naïveté and belief in things coming together and people coming through. Once alive, optimism is the only choice. Life is a bet on yourself, on others and the universe

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Becoming is living, not being. Seeking is the answer, not the answer itself.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Live Life
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Living is being alive.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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Living is the experience of a daily becoming which re-occurs your entire life.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Live Life
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Humans are condemned to go forward, the question is how? Life is movement and change.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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The journey of changes and discovery creates the layers and chapters that give life depth and richness. Change, the experience of living and faith in existence make you want to live and are the tools for survival. Becoming is another way for humans to empower their survival instincts. Ironically, although life is to live, to survive, it will also be about accepting death. Death is the journey into the unknown, the other side of becoming, another chapter yet.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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As part of becoming, you help the world evolve and become through the becoming that is your life.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Living reveals a continuous tension between the will to power, the will to live, the existentialist drive versus a more forgiving, flexible, and Taoist attitude. The response isn’t a balance of those two but an active dynamic between them, their continuous interaction.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Every life is a contribution to the planetary.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Existence is essence manifested. What could be, becomes. Imagination realized.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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Becoming is change. Beyond even the evolution of what is, on to a new way. Entering another realm, walking a different path, opening a new chapter.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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A Life that you can consider yours begins when you have the courage of being yourself and going for what you truly want.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Live Life, Self Realization
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The arc of life is to first discover, then engage, and ultimately to let go and rediscover but with experience, wisdom and a giving attitude.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life itself contains all its possibility: all the potential, the reserve of unspent energy and promise, the lived and unlived life, all that was and isn’t yet and won’t ever be, but could. Reality only happen through life. And life is embodied by movement, change, not just by its essence, its potential. Real is through life, therefore by definition always changing.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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You start on the path of life by walking on it.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life is a discovery of what is, can be, of what you can be and become.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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The key to evolution and life is change, self transforming, ever functioning in new ways.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Life is its journey. There are charts but it is for you to uncover and experience which paths to take. And there is territory beyond any existing maps.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
Live Life
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Should life be for ourselves, with the aim to be happy and to just be? Is that selfish? Or should we engage at the level of society? If yes, not for show but with meaning. One’s life and experiences- accomplishments & relationships are those which have a deep and lasting value.

2021-02-06 1:56 pm
February 6, 2021
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Purpose, a life calling, is available to all of us.

It’s a matter of becoming aware of it and wanting to then fulfill it.

2021-03-06 11:08 am
March 6, 2021
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Life is just life. But living is becoming - a succession of experiences, of lives.

2021-02-06 1:55 pm
February 6, 2021
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Your life's calling will reveal itself to you through your seeking and your actions. The voyage and the experience are the rewards.

2021-03-06 11:43 am
March 6, 2021
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Who will we be in 1,000 years? 

  1. Just like the progression of the past millennia: advancing physically, but mentally stagnant
  2. Cyborgs: physically so changed that we are able to affect the nature of humans, including the relational with ourselves and others. At the extreme, this could mean the extinction of the human species and its potential replacement 
  3. We access a new dimension: this could entail a leap that changes the nature of our consciousness, just like our self-awareness began to define the difference between ours and those of other species, many thousand years ago. Unlikely to happen within millennia. It took so long to happen and hasn’t really changed since - why would another iteration happen so soon?

2021-10-29 10:28 am
October 29, 2021
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Becoming is change. Building on past evolution, on to a new way. Entering another realm, walking a different path, opening a new chapter.

2022-01-21 12:52 pm
January 21, 2022
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What makes you uniquely you - your experiences, your transformation, your origins - never forget them. 

2022-11-15 6:20 am
November 15, 2022
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Could this be the best time yet to be alive? Mysteries of biology, cosmology, and especially consciousness might be unveiled leading to new horizons and understanding.

2024-01-18 4:32 am
January 18, 2024
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The past informs the future, mostly because it influences our imagined becoming. Our vision of the future forms our perception of reality, which shapes a path forward.

2025-03-14 9:16 am
March 14, 2025
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