Change is life. Existence without renewal is death.
Life is always about the future. Yet it doesn’t come from itself but from the past and the present. The future is the change, the Delta from today. Welcome blowing up the present, the status quo — Embrace change.
The key to evolution and life is change, self-transforming, ever in new ways.
Life is change, challenging oneness; yet all is one - a one dynamic and evolving.
Change happens through people, their ideas and their engagement, creating philosophical, religious and political movements.
From any state there will be change - some predictable, some given to chance. Both are at work in the evolution of the universe. Freedom and order, together.
If you aren’t open to the future you will only have a present. Change happens when you allow it, seek and invest in transformation. Yet, should you only care about the future without listening to the present, you aren’t really available to let it happen.
Change is the natural state. When prevented, vulnerability and brittleness develops, leading to inflexibility, breakage and life weakened. Eventually, death.
Humanity is facing a loss of innocence from a world that has changed so quickly.
The human experience is about change - can it be otherwise? Can life just be about being as opposed to living?
As in Taoism, all is in constant flux. By accepting change one will live happier, as opposed to the Cartesian and Galilean desire to control everything.
To resist the future is to resist life.
The journey of changes and discovery creates the layers and chapters that give life depth and richness.
Allowing for change is the key to survival, health, and growth.
Are there unending truths and cycles or is all ever changing and evolving? To be aware of life you have to get out of equilibrium enough to be awake. Not to the point where being out of equilibrium kills you, yet also not at the level of perfect stillness where you forget that you live. Life is change.
Give yourself the time and space early on to take in life’s lessons and allow change.
One thing in life we can count on is change.
As long as there is life there is change.
Life is change, welcome it. Death is another change.
Uncertainty means there is a future. If everything is known there is no life. Life is change and chance.
Change unites things, including opposites. In a changing world, are there any absolutes?
Life is Change - like a river, the chapters in a book or a day from sunrise to sunset. Accept and welcome change as it is: that which will illustrate your existence and give it meaning. Only by changing can you really live, understand yourself and the world, and give yourself to life and others. Your life must have chapters, each a story in itself, the whole always evolving. Take the time to write and read the book of your life.
Existence has no persistent shape or direction. It just is, even as it evolves. In contrast, being alive is always becoming and changing.
Much of the universe seems quiet and dark - yet it is alive. Sooner or later, you encounter light and movement.
Nothing is fixed, absolute: you are always changing, even if you remain yourself.