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As we adopt remote work models, what will we enable to enjoy each other? Is everyone just for themselves? If there is no sense of community and physicality, will we ever create another Venice? Another Paris? Even a New York, an Istanbul, or a Kyoto?

2021-09-10 8:38 am
September 10, 2021
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Ideas, knowledge, art and forming communities made human civilization. We care to learn, build, inspire, and transmit from generation to generation. Our cultures are our second DNA strand.

The global identity crisis which we are witnessing reflects our need to belong , to be included, to participate. No one will tolerate being excluded from the future.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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How can we cooperate at any level when everyone is for themselves and their ideas? Are any universal values possible?

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Growing up in Europe and up until the millennium there was a model for most: America. The globe was opening up and with it a sense of endless optimism. Today new technologies, globalization and multiculturalism are challenged. The world expanded now it is shrinking. Earth was becoming one. Now, it’s splintering. From opportunities to limits. It is as if we had reached the limits of the possible, from freedom to consumption. Now a conservative reaction. Exploration returns to a personal journey rather than a global one.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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What will change in 20 years?
The nature of work
Gene editing will be used extensively and children will be conceived invitro.
Humans and technology will further merge.

What won’t change?
The deep nature of humans: we are physical and emotional beings.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Europe can be the defender of traditional western culture democracies, but only if it comes together.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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In a world where nations and cultures are regressing towards their traditional roots, will cities be able to resist and remain an oasis for creativity, immigrants and risk takers?Societies that have a good social contract tend to get too comfortable and societies that are highly competitive but unequal will be more dynamichow do you make sense of this human dilemma? Soft power is aspirational is America losing it ? China will need to learn the art of soft power. Historically it is used to controlling rather than seducing.Will be West ever be able to coexist with China, with its opposite cultural and political system? For the monotheist West, it would be the equivalent of accepting a world of “two truths”. Solutions to humanity’s great challenges need to be human. This means emotional, cultural, philosophical and moral, not just technical, even if technology is used to address them.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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We live in the age of anxiety - loss of control, fear of change.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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The response to robotics will depend on culture in Japan robots might be accepted as an entity, as humans are just a form of machine, versus in the West where they might be viewed as foreign and competitive.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Technology has helped us humans for millennia but hasn’t made us wiser or less emotional. Lessons and wisdom from 2000 years ago still resonate across cultures and are our true guiding principles.

Technology may change quickly but human nature changes slowly.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Global cooperation: minimalist vs maximalist approach Wealthy countries, including the West and Japan have become very resistant to change, unwilling to dream big, be courageous and take risks the silver lining is low appetite for hot conflicts. The future is more likely to be led by the developing countries of the East.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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LA: the world’s cultural source for the last century.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Economic issues must take culture into account. Democracy still needs governance.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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The Daoist will fish and wait for the catch, the Buddhist will thrive to find equilibrium, Confucians will apply themselves to tasks and family, and Western existentialists will engage as individuals different approaches to life.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Beyond the difficulties of normal negotiations, the US/China trade conflict is about two parties that operate with different tolerance to pain, objectives and time horizons. Ultimately, they have opposite cultures.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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The developing US-Sino trade war is the signal of a potential civilizational clash.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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We are living the clash between technological progress & globalization. Who wins? Can they coexist?

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Cultures are reflective and shape societies. Some are quite functional without strong governmental direction, others need it to prosper.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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The values to be programmed in AI and biological tools will vary greatly depending on cultures. How do we reconcile and set certain universal standards, or at least share some norms?

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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No matter the political system and leadership, culture perseveres and determines outcomes more than any other factor.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Culturally, the West will try to stop the tide, putting up a fight. The East will accept the changes that come from the tide

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Over the last decades the world was about cooperation, economic development, technological progress and mixing of cultures. We are now in a phase where politics, national identities and apprehension of the future dominate. Governance and cultures matter.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Empower the individual and encourage a multitude of cultural practices, while cooperating on meta issues.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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Those who belong to cultures with a strong sense of individual duty or a direct relationship to a god tend to be the most organized and hard working. They are also the least joyful.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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As symbolized by Istanbul being both in Europe and in Asia, Turkey is culturally conflicted between East and West. Ultimately, the choice is democracy with separation and balance of powers vs. autocracy. Or a delicate mix. Secular vs. religious.

2020-10-13 6:11 pm
October 13, 2020
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The 60s counter culture came from a good place, against violence and war, promoting peace, love and freedom. While liberating, it also diminished community, traditional faiths and purposes, as well as respect for institutions, yet without replacing them with new beliefs beyond the worship of the individual. As humans who seek meaning and togetherness, we are today lost.

2021-09-23 3:41 am
September 23, 2021
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2021-11-10 10:31 am
November 10, 2021
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The life and cultures of humans are their stories.

2022-03-13 3:52 am
March 13, 2022
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Political systems may be the same in name, but not in practice. Culture is a greater determinant than official ideology. 

Japan or South Korea, both democracies, have more in common with China and Singapore, or even North Korea, than with the Philippines or Indonesia.

The political system doesn’t make a country. Brazil, Switzerland, Ethiopia, the United States of America and Turkey, each have a different practice of democracy - shaped by their origins and cultures, more than their governance template. If you really want to change a country, target its culture and give yourself generations.

2022-03-22 4:37 am
March 22, 2022
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In ancient times change and messages traveled slowly: look at the growth of Christianity at the mercy of gospels and the transmission of manuscripts. In today’s digital world, all is immediate, and ideas can be broadcast and promoted instantly. Yet, do deep cultures change or actually remain just as before? Look at China, India and Russia going back to their roots in the face of modernity. And just the same for the West. Covid accelerated the inevitable visualization of our lives, yet we are coming back to earth, as physical and culturally tribal beings, navigating the reality of living and of the world.

2022-04-21 9:23 am
April 21, 2022
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For decades, people looked forward to reading the newspaper in the morning - a pleasurable and instructive ritual. That’s not the way they feel about social media anymore. No one came to dislike newspapers as they do social networks. Television too was appealing There is comfort in being guided, in sitting or being a spectator, as opposed to being prompted to act. Does one enjoy having to engage one’s emotions permanently? Passivity is calming.

2022-05-15 3:21 am
May 15, 2022
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Life is change. Impermanence is the state of life. Nothing lasts, from life itself to relationships, to materiality or beliefs. 

The survivors are the relational threads of evolution, the chain link of generations and, in human terms, culture. Culture embodies our history, transformation, and advances, the ultimate witness of human endeavors. As individuals, our contributions are in our relationships and our deeds toward the narratives that shape the world across civilizations.

2022-05-25 6:17 am
May 25, 2022
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The 1960s and ‘70s liberation movement so challenged authority and institutions that it resulted in weakening western governments to the point of not being able to serve those very activists — individual power instead of communities. 

Anticolonial revisionism and social justice, however justified, may indirectly reinforce conservative traditions and accelerate the relative western decline.

2022-07-11 1:01 pm
July 11, 2022
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All cultures have found ways to address mortality, from the afterlife for believers, family for others, or just an earthly life for atheists.

2022-10-15 8:50 am
October 15, 2022
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India: know yourself (inward looking)

China: know one another (communal)

West: know the world (outward facing)

2025-02-04 5:08 am
February 4, 2025
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Culture is destiny. 

After the post WWII period when Western values and international trade conquered the world, each major culture reemerged : the sultanate in Turkey, tsarism in Russia, imperial mandarinate in China, Hindutva for India and a libertarian America. Each nation for itself. In reaction to cultural and technological change too fast to absorb? And the need for relatable identity and a sense of belonging.

2025-02-21 11:24 am
February 21, 2025
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A strong yearning is needed for progress. Europe and Japan are too comfortable. Notwithstanding that their living standards are unsustainable, they won’t change until they have no choice.

2025-02-21 5:52 am
February 21, 2025
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There is a reason for everything - you just have to search for it.

2025-03-14 8:13 am
March 14, 2025
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Traveling across cultures will open your mind, alter your attitude, and help you adapt and change.

2025-03-14 8:34 am
March 14, 2025
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Lived experience shapes ideas, which shape culture, which shapes how societies function.

2025-03-14 9:35 am
March 14, 2025
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