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Is the universe expanding and changing in time and space or is it just an illusion?

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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For ideas to evolve you don’t always need to destroy old ones. Rather it is like climbing a mountain and gaining a new vantage point from which to see and conceive anew.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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We have evolved from a world of trust over the last 30 years into a world of distrust today.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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AI is like a fast evolving, new species.

2021-01-16 12:06 pm
January 16, 2021
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Life starts simple and small, evolves into complexity and chaos. We then try to make sense of it.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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The key to evolution is change, in fact for life itself - evolving, maybe even self-evolved rules produce change and progress. The Truth is an evolving idea, never fixed.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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Are gene editing and artificial intelligence augmenting humans a part of natural evolution?

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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Progress is always evolutionary on a large and long term scale.

2021-01-16 12:07 pm
January 16, 2021
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Is evolution a line or a circle? If circular, then there is no start, no end.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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With life, go forward. Find a way, yours, and your own truth. Let it evolve over time and know it’s not everyone else’s.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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Are there unending truths and cycles or is all ever changing and evolving?

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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In 20 years assume most children will be created in vitro. How do feel about that? Your children will be healthier and more intelligent but less natural in the sense of (less) undisturbed biology.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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Our biology will be affected by the AIs we are developing. Intelligent machines are part of evolution. Humans are complex programs passed on from generation to generation. Soon, those programs will be able to self modify.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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It took a long time for humans to make nature work for them - now the challenge is to not forget where we came from.

2020-10-16 9:49 am
October 16, 2020
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Our place as humans in the universe is really quite unique- so far no other sign of evolved life. We are special- why? And where from here? At least we are in a position to ask those questions.

2022-01-07 10:33 am
January 7, 2022
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It took a long time in evolution for humans to possess the self aware consciousness which is ours today. Was it an accident or the logical advancement of our biology? Do we have a sense of what the next breakthrough might be?

2022-03-17 11:19 am
March 17, 2022
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Humans as analog creatures advance sequentially, just like walking, one step in front of the other. Jumps, leaps - those are about crossing into new territories, but few of us can vault ourselves through life.

2022-06-09 10:32 am
June 9, 2022
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Evolution needs love, the mixing of genes and substances. Without, things stay as they are.

2022-06-09 10:35 am
June 9, 2022
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It is as if the factors of coincidence and luck exist, with all their possibilities, as an a priori making the manifestation of a serendipitous event the reflection of the more persistent and potent potential elements. One could speculate that all of evolution happened by continuous chance interaction, with the best possibilities given to the most powerful agents, even if giving the impression of luck or coincidence. To advance, new components must appear, sometimes unexpected, finding each other and coming together to make something novel. Those evolutionary accidents advance the universal consciousness, leading to a richer future.

2021-03-06 12:08 pm
March 6, 2021
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Human evolution is affected by the updates to our inherited genes, modified by nature and, increasingly, by humans themselves. Yet, also by randomness, making unexpected mutations and outcomes possible.

2023-01-05 1:27 pm
January 5, 2023
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All, including the universe, may be governed by rules and algorithms with the proviso that the formulas allow for change, chance, and the unknown. Evolution happens as energy is expansive, with the possibility and occurrence of accidents. Is the self-aware nature of human consciousness just a reflection of greater complexity? What might the next iteration be?

2023-03-17 7:50 am
March 17, 2023
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There is no master key - only individual keys. There isn’t a grand design - there are prior states from which things developed, reflecting historic laws, changing with evolution, and engendering new rules and algorithms. The universe is self-generating. Probabilistic, yet not determined. Surprises, accidents, mutations happen. As individuals, each with a unique key, we factor in the universe's progress, each of us endowed with some agency. We don’t live in a simulation.

2023-10-03 11:40 am
October 3, 2023
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Scientific discoveries reveal what many mystical and indigenous traditions intuitively understood. Scientific, philosophical, and religious thinking all aim to decode the mysteries of the universe. As we gain knowledge and insight, theories evolve, increasingly reshaped by our own inventions. Life, evolution, and our surroundings are in constant flux, altering the very rules they abide by. We learn that all algorithms are self-transforming. There is no permanence, no eternal truths. Life is change.

2023-10-03 11:56 am
October 3, 2023
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We are envisioning ways to prolong our lives, or at least our consciousness. From enhancing our physical and mental longevity to embedding devices and capabilities, and venturing beyond Earth. Even transferring our consciousness to synthetic entities, essentially merging or becoming one with AI.

But what would this mean for reproduction? And what becomes of our passions, love, or even the essence of intimacy? We see glimpses of a possible future already in the virtual world. If we achieve endless life, how relevant would our biological instincts be? How would they manifest? Would they even exist? If our digital selves outlive our biological counterparts, would Earth become a "reproduction hub"? Might we engineer synthetic offspring? Or, if we're immortal, might we forgo reproduction altogether? And then, what's the purpose of existence? Is it pure existence, free from desires and fears? Is this Nirvana, or ultimately just emptiness?

2023-10-18 6:12 am
October 18, 2023
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Life is good at replicating, yet is subject to surprises and variances. While DNA and genes are typically copied with high fidelity, mixing and mutations are probable without being entirely predictable.

2023-12-05 1:30 pm
December 5, 2023
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For new states of existence to emerge, become, and persist, intervals of stability and equilibrium are needed. The case of the Earth’s atmosphere is an example: necessary conditions to develop and maintain life.

2025-01-31 6:20 am
January 31, 2025
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