Essence may precede existence, but that essence is only manifested with existence - with life itself.
The universe is manifested through Life, and lives are realized through the universe. You are the universe and the universe is you. The universe wouldn’t be without you and you wouldn’t be without the universe. You are entangled in your lives, in your existences.
Essence is a human construction - important as it becomes the basis of most human societal and technological development.
In the beginning there is life or the potential for life. Essence is revealed and transformed through existence - being and becoming. Life and living changes absolutes.
Existence precedes existence. You exist before birth. Life is a becoming, before birth and from birth till death. The question is what after death? The end of a life, but not the end of life.
Change is life. Existence without renewal is death.
Life, the universe, eternity, have no reason, no purpose besides themselves. The game itself. Life. It is as itself and for itself, just itself - Life. It is pure energy, free, and will behave differently at times. Know that it is a game.
Existence (living, acting, becoming) is the only reality of Essence (being, principles, God), manifested in Life.
Getting to the Truth, you become Truth, and overcome duality.
Luck and coincidence : do they really exist or are they meant to be? They always contain an element of surprise, even when inevitable.
Existence is about change and movement, discovery, surprises, renewal, conquering the unknown.
The existential riddle is the unknown - and unknown there will always be. Do A.I.’s know that?
Existence is manifested by various levels of consciousness. Consciousness comes from connectivity, engendering awareness. Known versus not yet known.
All relates and starts with Life. Life or its Potential is the Beginning. Existence first, then essence, principles.
Hypothesizing that all is part of a system, a simulation in essence, we have to assume the ability to self transform and evolve, both in ways that are predictable and not. Otherwise, all is predetermined.
The Truth is everything or nothingness.
When you find Truth, you become Truth, and overcome duality. The individual disappears in Oneness and life is no longer yours.
There is existence without essence. Life doesn’t exist, it happens. Events, change and movement make a life. We are by becoming as opposed to being. Everything is emergent, including life, consciousness, a sense of time and space.
Existence is beyond form, beyond knowing.
Does existence have a shape? Whether linear, circular, spheric, rhizomatic, multidirectional, or amorphous, it isn’t singular. Existence is dynamic, multifaceted, ever-expanding across dimensions still unknown to us, growing in complexity and potential. It transcends the tangible and observable, beyond mere consciousness, continuously ushering in novel realms and experiences of being. The manifestation of existence is a self-transforming phenomenon, expressed in evolving experiences. Existence is experiential. It is shapeless and ungraspable and yet its reality always changes. Although existence can just be, the being of existence mutates.
How did existence originate? Is it an eternal state, without a beginning or end? Perhaps it simply exists without reason or cause. If existence does possess a timeline, what lies before or beyond it? At its core, existence can be understood as a dichotomy of 'being' versus 'non-being'. Even the concept of 'nothing' is inherently 'something'. Thus, existence can be likened to a perpetual container, encompassing all that exists, including existence itself. A meta notion reminiscent of Noah's Ark, holding everything that is, was, and could possibly be, including that which is absent from it. Existence is the vessel carrying our universe: beyond even its past and its future. While our world was switched on at some point, and will likely expire, existence remains constant, containing everything that is possible, and nothing itself.
Existence: always there, no start or end. It's the ultimate container, holding everything, even the idea of nothing. Our universe began and might end, but existence? It just is.
Existence versus Life. Existence is, no matter its state. Life is being and becoming, emergent and ending.
The world makes sense because it exists. Without a reason to be, once it is, that is its meaning. It doesn’t need a creator. Its virtue is to be and to engender possibilities.
The universe manifests existence. It is its reason to be. Be it a comet, a beam of light, living beings, or consciousness, each aspect of the universe is perceived by us in time and space as part of a whole, a greater continuum. Yet, every individual manifestation also leaves its own mark, an existential trace. These are seemingly infinite events, each significant in its own right, interconnected yet lacking self-awareness. Each human journey will also leave an imprint on the life of the universe. What renders our experience so fascinating is that we are aware of it. Given this consciousness, shouldn’t our ultimate aim and promise be to understand and experience as much of the universe as we possibly can?
Existence is for itself, perfect in its messiness and its possibilities. Every atom, plant, animal, and AI possesses its own unique experience and instinct for life. Humans are no different. What sets us apart is our conscious desire to expand and prolong our existence, enlarging our "existential footprint." This ambition makes our potential as great as the universe itself. This exploration is the human adventure, the domain for our consciousness to explore and inhabit. It is our particular reason to be.
Existence is its experience. In being, we become. We are revealed by interaction. Do actions make the actors, or do actors make the actions?
Existence is its manifestation. Experiences. They imply change. Both probabilistic and random. Evolution.
From heavens down, from earth up. From the inner to the outer and vice versa. You breathe and digest the universe, and equally, it absorbs you. Plants consumed continue an existence through you and you through them in the soil that will be your place of rest.