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Me Versus Others


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Don’t judge too fast... all humans have qualities, if you make the effort to see them, and all have failings. That is our nature.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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The planet is ever more connected and technologies ever more powerful. But countries are divided within and between each other and, in Western nations, governments and the best tech companies don’t cooperate. How from this chaos will we build a safe and prosperous world?

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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To advance you must trust yourself, have trust in the world, and trust fellow humans. Needed is some innocence, naïveté, and belief in things coming together and people coming through. Once alive, optimism is the only choice. Life is a bet on yourself, on others and the universe.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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Brexit is also a phenomenon in that so far all politicians who have associated with it have lost : all the winners and all the losers.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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The world was converging - it now has fractured. We have to find a different way to come together.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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Unless we are willing to cooperate, share and give up some sovereignty at the global level for climate, technological security, and health, we are putting all of us on the planet at an existential risk. It is the classic struggle of individuals versus community.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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‪The global identity crisis which we are witnessing reflects our need to belong , to be included, to participate. No one will tolerate being excluded from the future.‬

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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With the triumph of the individual have we sacrificed our communities?

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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You can have the illusion that you live for yourself, until you have children. That’s also when you learn to respect your parents in a different way.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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With life go forward. Find a way - yours - and your own truth. Let it evolve over time and know it’s not everyone else’s.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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If you have created something precious, share and expose it. For the danger if you hoard it is that it might be lost and then it is for no one except your experience of it.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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‪In a world where nations and cultures are regressing towards their traditional roots, will cities be able to resist and remain an oasis for creativity, immigrants and daring?

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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Learn to give with pleasure. Learn to take with grace.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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When we experience others it is in relationship to ourselves, and we always hold up a mirror with us in it to compare.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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Growing up in Europe and up until the millennium there was a model for most: America. The globe was opening up and with it a sense of endless optimism. Today new technologies, globalization and mutilculturalism are challenged. The world expanded - now it is shrinking. Earth was becoming one - now it’s splintering. From opportunities to limits. It is as if we had reached the limits of the possible; from freedom to consumption. Now, a conservative reaction. Exploration returns to a personal journey rather than a global one.

Non-consumer societies foster a spirit of community as its greatest value is in its people - a humanity that is lost in advanced societies where that connection is not needed for survival.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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The individual cannot function without the whole - conversely individuals make the whole.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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If life is a journey, who would you like your fellow travelers to be?

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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The future can only be built by coming together, as opposed to apart - even with enemies.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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Giving and receiving love, the will to live, the ability to forgive others and oneself, the acceptance of the unknown, these are the keys to life.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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How do we come together to address issues that affect all : climate, technologies like social networks, AI, gene editing, and systems in need of renovation like democracy and capitalism, as well geopolitical cooperation between different cultures ?

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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How do we cooperate at any level when everyone is for themselves and their ideas? Are any universal values possible ?

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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Consciousness is manifested with the ability to think beyond the current state or environment one is experiencing.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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Cultivate real human connections, beyond those of power and need.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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For the world to function, individuals have two responsibilities: to themselves and to the other. A commitment to engage oneself and society.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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The strong healthy relationship is one where one is not acting for the other and not expecting from the other.

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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There is life before yours and after. Life itself has no start and no end. Yours is perceived in time and space

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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What is the point of life beyond survival: conquering, enjoying, understanding, a mix of those, or ultimately, just connecting?

2020-10-27 12:14 pm
October 27, 2020
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Be open to all signs and to what others have to say.
Don’t judge, know that all is within a context.
Then calibrate and edit.

2021-03-06 12:22 pm
March 6, 2021
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We need global cooperation and standards. Yet how will people, who are all connected to local cultures, come together?

2022-01-21 1:24 pm
January 21, 2022
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The instinct to care for one another, the inner command towards compassion, comes from the biological need to cooperate. It is as communities that we thrive and survive.

2022-03-23 9:57 am
March 23, 2022
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Accept the contradictions that make life. We, and life, are potentially limitless, yet we experience boundaries. We strive for equilibrium, yet must be out of balance to change and progress. Equally, we seek comfort and thrills. We have to prove ourselves individually to progress, all while wanting harmony with others. We must both compete and cooperate to survive and advance.

2022-03-25 3:50 am
March 25, 2022
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2023-01-06 4:03 am
January 6, 2023
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We humans live in our heads through narrations and abstractions. As creatures of language, we continuously self-reflect, endlessly crafting scenarios. By sharing these tales with others, we seek both clarity and closure. This inherent yearning for acknowledgment, for feedback, even when negative, is what fuels us. We can’t stop talking - to ourselves, to others.

2023-10-04 4:04 pm
October 4, 2023
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Objective versus subjective. We often confuse them. In showing care, is it for us or those we help? When we are charitable, are we being so for the recipient or for the sake of the giver, ourselves? When we convey love, is it for the loved one or our quest to be loved or to control someone?

2025-03-14 8:17 am
March 14, 2025
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