Will the backlash against technology and globalization lead to greater focus on basic human values and relationships, or just create more divisions?
Today's elections battles are between opposing values and world views more than differences in policies.
One is a better human if one considers the fate of all others as well. Allow confusion in beliefs. Don’t compromise on small or big things, but when it is really important. Stay true to yourself and your principles, but bend for humanity and love. Don’t judge too fast... all humans have qualities if you make the effort to see them, and all have failings. That is our nature.
Nihilism and Buddhism are a negation, an abdication of life and life force.
Is free will just a moral question for humans?
To give is to receive, to receive is to give.
Doing for its own sake is limited, doing right is meaningful.
The rule of law as a code of conduct based on fairness is an essential fabric for healthy societies, enabling human dignity and capacities.
The strong, healthy relationship is one where one is not acting for the other nor expecting from the other.
We believed algorithms, science and technology could solve everything, yet the world is telling us we are driven by sentiment with deep emotional needs.
We look at everything from our standpoint – which is right as it is coming from us, as an individual. For us the world isn’t without us observing it. Conversely, if there is no world there is no us and nothing to observe. The world is our vessel. Hence both I and the world are necessary, one AND the other. Neither is the only viewpoint.
The idea of God, religions, morals and guilt are Western - not Eastern.
While we may condemn evil we are fascinated by it - that’s why we often mix with devils as opposed to angels. Perversely, we live our deviant selves through them.
Artists express their darkness with art, and we through their eyes.
There is no just war, no matter the reason. War kills lives, therefore life itself. Death, pain and destruction.
Compromise when it really is important. Stay true to yourself and your principles, but bend for humanity and love.
Will humans, thirsty for simple answers, always resort to violence in the end? As individuals and nations?
What is a life without honor; but what is honor without life?
In a world that is retreating from technology and globalization there will be a greater focus on basis human values and relationships.
There are no absolute truths, only parallel truths