Everyone and everything is the center of its own world.
To achieve oneness you must acknowledge duality. Living is the experience of duality. Reconciliation into one comes after.
Everything affects everything and is affected by everything. A tempest emerges from other phenomena and impacts its environment. Erupting volcanoes come from the earth’s center and change their surroundings, including the air in the atmosphere. It’s the same with humans, We are modified by our environment and others, equally we touch the world. At various degrees and through alternative channels. From Napoleon or a social media star with 100 million followers to a single, individual person in the forest. The difference between volcanoes and humans is that we are self aware, and will knowingly modulate the next interactions.
Science and humanities need to join to build a healthy future.
The future can only be built by coming together, as opposed to apart, even with enemies.
We all come from somewhere and, ultimately, from the same place. Our life journeys are each different, even though interconnected, and always the sum of all that was before us. Our lives will shape future lives.
In antiquity man and animals were combined. Now again man and others - machines - are combined.
Never forget our history and rise above our past failings. The future must belong to all of us, together.
All time and no time, simultaneously. Past, present, future. The present is for the future and contains the past.
When the moon is reflected in the water is it the moon or the water? It’s both. Is one before and one after? They are at the same time. They exist independently but the moon's reflection emerges with the water. In that sense, they are one.
Understand Oneness. You are the universe and the universe is you. The universe wouldn’t be without you and you wouldn’t be without the universe. You are entangled in your lives, in your existences.
All is one, and one is all.
The soul has a heart and a brain - both are needed.
Humans have always succeeded by cooperating more than just competing.
The universe, the world is one - we humans take sides.
Humans have separated from nature and the world (god in the image of the human, science all knowing). We are now faced with recognizing that the whole is bigger than us and have to reconnect with our environment and with each other as one, as part of a larger, continuous stream.
Humans and their technologies are so deeply connected that they cannot think of themselves apart.
Even though the world is fragmenting politically and culturally, we are all more interconnected and live in digital networks.
People have to believe they are part of a common destiny - a shared future within nations, but also as a planet.